Anyone know this kit

Anyone know what kit this is?

I think it’s a silicone but I don’t know which one. They’re out of my league.


Mine too! It looks a lot like the Martin kit to me.

Looks similar to the Martin kit

It doesn’t look like Martin to me. The reason I think it’s a silicone is because of the shoulder. It’s all one piece between the arm, shoulder and body.


Very good observation, Jeanhai!


Ok that makes sense. I have no experience telling the difference. Thank you so much.

What kit do you think matches this baby?

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I can’t see the lips but the pic reminds me of Levi Brown!

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I see Levi and Luciano

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It’s hard to tell without seeing the rest of the face. Are there any more pictures you can show us?

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Sorry that is the only picture I have.

I am trying to get more pictures.

More pictures for kit match.

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How precious. Heck, I don’t know but here’s a few to look at that I think could work. Trouble by Nikki Johnston. Or Mia by Irina Kaplanskaya. Or Cayle by Olga Auer. Or Penelope by Jannie De Lange.

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Thank you. I will look at those kits. It is a friend of mine’s son when he was born. He is adorable!