Anyone knoq this artist?

Pretty sure that’s a real baby over there…


it is, the scam sites have tons of real baby photos thrown in :sob:


It’s pretty obvious it’s a real baby too so…


I agree. BUT soooo many still order.
Here a a few more I have saved from people who were scammed sharing on my scam list.


Yeesh…You can just tell. Even with the most realistic reborn, you can tell it isn’t a real baby. I mean, I’d be examining everything on the pictures. At least with these real babies you can tell it isnt a doll.


What gets me is I posted the screenshot of the website with my stolen photo on it and this friend literally said. “oh I ordered a doll from them. The low price got me! Fingers crossed!”

I freaking told all of my FB friends. Several times. She knew about my photos being stolen and she knowingly gave money to a scammer.

When I pointed it out she gave me some speech about not having much money.

Well…she just threw that money away.


No sympathy from me :wink:


OMG! :scream: :scream: :scream: :sob: :sob: :sob:


Here’s the scam shrunken ethnic Saskia


These scam dolls look hilarious :rofl:


I found the original artist! On Instagram the name is “grittsreborn”. Gritts Reborn Baby Dolls.

I still can’t send pics or screenshots but I would if I could. Hope this helps! :sweat_smile:

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No way! My daughter bought an Ellie Sue Brown from Gritts Reborns in November! She was purchased through eBay.

Now that you mention it though, that’s very much the same style of painting.

Here’s a screenshot from her box opening.

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I have noticed a few of the scam dolls being listed for sale on an Australian site. I hope there’s a lesson learned there. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :roll_eyes:

Yep, all of her babies are painted with that same style. I feel bad for the collector though because the scammers are taking HER photos of the doll and using them. Not the artist photos but the photos she shares of her doll. All of the pics that were used for scams are on her IG page. Makes me feel sad :pensive:

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That is sad. :frowning:

One of our local news stations (and by local, I mean the nearest big city, 'cause we out here in the hills, y’all!) did a story right before Christmas about a Reborn purchase gone wrong. The whole story was frustrating to me, because the story missed the mark.

First off, the mother was wanting a realistic baby doll (shows photos of legitimate Reborn dolls), for HER TODDLER. Oof. Right there, it implied they were for children. The reporter kept referring to them as toys, but using the Reborn term. I know the majority of people don’t know that Reborns are collectables, and assume that they might be intended for children…so I can see the miss, but even a little research would have told them they aren’t simply baby dolls.

The mom then showed the doll she received. Of course, it was a hot mess. She said for $50 it should look like the photo. face palm She showed the website where she got it, My Reborn Baby Doll dot com. I can’t remember the specific baby she wanted - maybe a Saskia.

Instead of saying the website was a scam, they ended the story with “you just never know what you might get when ordering online.” agggh! Nothing about stolen photos, specific scam tactics related to Reborns, nada. They didn’t even talk about the artists that make them legitimately.

When I saw the teaser for the story, I was excited to see Reborns in the news…after the story itself, not so much. :roll_eyes:

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Maybe you should contact the news station and educate them about what reborns really are and about all the scammers that are out there. It could go a long way toward preventing more people from getting ripped off. I seriously doubt the person who did the interview has any clue.


Oh definitely, the reporter was innocent to what Reborns really are. I may write to them…just would NOT want to be on camera! They’d have to put me in the shadows like somebody going incognito! :rofl:

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I’m sure they could work something out, but even writing them would help.

Oh my, they’ve turned Saskia into Mr. Bean!