Anyone heard from LittleLeo?

I know she was having some family issues. Has anyone heard from her? I’ve sent you a few messages over the last month and haven’t heard anything back. She was supposed to send me something in the mail and I’ve never received it. :confused:

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@LittleLeo - it shows she hasn’t been on since April 24th

Oh no, hope all is going well @LittleLeo sending prayers!


She was having some family medical issues with her son in the hospital and her daughter had recently been in a car crash. She was also going through a separation with her husband I think…?
@LittleLeo we love you and are sending prayers and warm, happy, loving thoughts your way. Some warm hugs too!!

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She did the same to me last year. She was supposed to follow up on something and I sent several messages and heard nothing. I then see her back on in a month.


I hope things will settle down for her soon. We miss you @LittleLeo! Praying you situation improves

Hopefully she and her family are well. If anyone hears from her please have her get in touch with me. Thanks!