Anyone getting her?

Has anyone else seen this cutie? I just saw her in sneak peeks and I love her! Despite the vinyl being hard and a little peachy, Elisa Marx sculpts cute babies and I’m definitely getting her! I love her stretched out leg, curly legs are cute but it’s nice to have variety!
Not my pics!


She is so adorable I love her! I am excited for you, I know you are picky about your kits too

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I won’t be getting her unless/until Journey AND both twins sell. But that should happen eventually lol


I love her!

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Right! She’s precious!

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She is adorable!

I want her…I love her hands!!!

I get that lol I actually really loved painting Ylenia Marx. Her vinyl was the same but it took paint so well and I got one of the best skin tones with it. Rooting sucked but was easy enough with heating the head.

Oh she is adorable. I’ve only bought from BB, but would love to buy from Macpherson. I love the open separated fingers. It looks more realistic once painted.