Anybody hate a kit and then love it?

Has anybody initially hated or really disliked a kit initially and then completely fall in love?

When Levi by Bonnie Brown was first released I just didn’t like him at all, then I held one in person and fell head over heels in love.

More recently I just hated Ava by Cassie Brace, but now I really really want a kit for my own personal collection :joy:


Yes! I felt bad for a previous customer who ended up getting scammed by someone else and painted her a Levi. He curled right up in my arms when I was done and I ended up loving him. :blush:

I will not be loving Ava regardless of who paints her though. :joy:


I absolutely hated my LouLou until he got put together. Seriously…I hated him. I loved all the versions I saw online. But I hated mine. Then I put him together and fell in love. By then it was too late to buy more LouLou kits. But now I wish I had bought a dozen.


I didn’t like Lou Lou when she first came out, but after seeing so many beautiful versions of her I decided I wanted her, and then she was sold out.


I loved Lou Lou, but decided at that moment in time to actually stick to my stupid kit diet. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


I hated Brittany, wanted to turn her into alternative ghost baby (there is still post about in somewhere on this forum :wink: ), but fell in live while painting her :slight_smile:


I had the same with Levi. I held someone else’s Levi. She was selling him. He curled up so nicely! Poor thing was painted and rooted terribly, though. So I bought the kit for myself.


I hated Saskia… at the end I told her “hey you’re pretty cute!”


That’s exactly what happened with me and Levi, I disliked him and then I held him in my arms and he just curled up in my arms so perfectly and better than any baby has before and I just fell in love. Now I have 2 Levi kits awaiting painting XD


This happens to me all the time!! A little over a year ago I went to a local doll show and someone had Birdie LLE for sale. I am not a fan of many of her kits, but seeing this one in person, I fell completely in love. I walked out of there with my pockets emptied but my arms full of a bundle of love. He is still one of my favorites in my collection!

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This is how I felt about Huxley and then I bought 4, painted 3. My last Hux is a twin with Connolly :slight_smile:


For me it’s Ramsey I don’t like the look of the kit at all but this is my one and only forever doll I’ve painted and could never sell.


Yes, happened to me quite a bit cause I always painted the kits in my stash that I didn’t really like and saved the cute ones. I found out that some of them I really liked and painted them again. Just happened with Rosalie too.

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I just posted a similar thread, wish I would have read this first.

Aria is one of them. I did not like her at all now she is one of my faves.

Never like or wanted to paint a Saskia. A forum friend sold me one and I painted her and she is really lovely and fun to paint. I have one more and I am saving it.

Yael. I ordered him on accident and I LOVE that baby.


I’m total opposite to Saskia specifically. I currently have 3 of em :joy::joy: When I first got into sculpt’s and their names and sculptors etc. Saskia was the first to catch my eye…second was Liam.


Your Yael is adorable and I’m excited for your next Saskia :hugs::heart:

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I didn’t really care too much for Levi… Absolutely loved the idea of a super curled up kit so the legs did not bother me the slightest bit. I was more concerned with how limited I would be posing his arms and it still looking realistic. Needles to say I recently got his kit in the mail and have yet to put him down for more than 10 minutes. :joy::joy: That kit is an absolute dream to hold.

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