ANOTHER Non-paying bidder ,What would you do?

I have a new non paying bidder out there. She bought my doll last sunday. After a couple of days I emailed her and asked when she was expecting to pay. She told me her daughter was in the hospital for “spine” problems and that she would be out on Thursday and pay me then. On friday I got this email from her
my daughter is still in the hospital, as i said before this was very unexpected for her, and she will not be able to continue with this transaction. I am not sure when she will even be coming home. can you please cancel this transaction for her

  • kirstinbergeron

I might have believed it but I checked her out on and she had 1,600. worth of buys on ebay in the last 30 days. One has since been removed, it was an antique cigar lighter that she paid $405. for. I saw the buyer had relisted it because of a non-paying bidder. So I suspect this is all a big lie to get out of spending so much. BEWARE of kirstinbergeron
Tomorrow is day 7 and I won’t cancel the transaction, I will file a non-paying bidder, to get my money back for listing.

I did trust her at first, she had 12 good feedbacks and had just signed up in September. Then I think she must have gone a little nuts with the buying and now wants an easy out.

Ok, what would you all do now? I filed a non paying bidder on ebay and immediately got this email from her
i have sent you messages from my daughter explaining she has been in the hospital due to spine injury. she will not be able to purchase this item. I contacted ebay about this and they said they would close this act out. I would like it if you can cancel the transaction. she is sorry for the inconvenience and hopes to do business with you in the future. thank you very much for your understanding in this hard time.
I have checked on and just yesterday she was leaving lots of feedback to people. The ones she backed out of, she mentioned her “daughter” was in the hospital and they were sooo sorry. On the items she bought she didn’t mention that she was supposed to be the mother. She just said how much she would enjoy what she had bought. So I really don’t believe her story adds up, and filed nonpaying bidder. I also wrote her an email telling her why. So now I have to wait 4 days for her to pay or just cancel the transaction, which would get her off the hook. If I cancel I guess I would still have to pay the fees, like she had bought and payed for it. If I let it go 4 days and she does pay, then I have to send her the doll, and would probably get bad feedback from her. (I did go and leave her bad feedback, with a positive, because ebay won’t let us give negative)
So what I am wondering should I just cancel the transaction? I would then have to pay fees? And she comes out smelling like a rose??
What would you all do? Sorry this is so long, I am just really upset with folks who do this and think nothing of it.

Hmmm…This is a tough situation. It’s hard to tell who to trust anymore. I had a buyer give me a sad story only to find out she lied and was continueing to buy stuff after saying she could not pay for my stuff. It’s people like that, that ruin it for others who are really in a jam.

Good luck with you r situation.

Yes, I think I will just go and cancel it to be rid of her, but I guess if I cancel ebay still gets there part of the money that I didn’t even get…

Yes, I just went and cancelled it, but I still have to wait up to 4 days for her to cancel it too. She had told me she already wrote to ebay to cancel it. Apparently not. Just hoping I get my money back. Gina, I did tell her all the things I found out about her on Bet she didn’t know that sight existed! LOL

Oh great, I cancelled it and she then went and gave me bad feedback. Said her “child” was hospitalized and I was rude. NICE…I don’t even know how to add a comment under that. Does anyone know how to do that? Geeze, I had 100 % positive on 148 feedbacks until this. Just great!

Well, now she still has 100%positive feedback and I now thanks to her have 99% Ebay stinks!

I did find where to reply to her feedback and did. Then I decided to see if ebay could just cancel it. Guess what??? They send the request back to her, to see if she will cancel it… Ya right. I am so bummed!

Looks like she also left bad feedback for two others besides me, this morning. She didn’t pay them either…yet she still comes out with 100% positive feedback, and so far 3 of us have been given negative feedback from her. Oh sorry, its her mother giving all the bad feedback, she is in the hospital…
Sorry for being so negative here this morning. It’s just been a bad day.

— Begin quote from “angelnewbornsnursery”

I don’t remember why, but I already have her on blocked bidder list. She is so horrible, yet gets away with it. You should have reported her to ebay so she gets a strike. You tried to be nice and she still screwed you. Shame on this person. I can understand how it gets to you. It would make me upset too.

— End quote

I just emailed another person she gave bad feedback to this morning. She gave me the address of someone at ebay to write to and she is going to do it too. Maybe we can get the bad strikes taken off. This is so unfair!

Well I just got good news from ebay this morning, they deleted the feedback she left for me! I am sooo happy! I have been in contact with some of the others that she left bad feedback for. They are also going to report her, so hopefully ebay will remove her. She is one crazy lady! I got some pretty nasty emails from her, the first one immediatly after filing nonpaying bidder. Thats why I cancelled the transaction, she would have had four more days to pay me, and I didn’t want to deal with her at all. Glad that is over!

That’s good news. Glad it all worked out for you.


— Begin quote from “Shuree”

That’s good news. Glad it all worked out for you.


— End quote

Thanks Shuree! I sure got a lesson on ebay with this one! Just had a lady from Greece email me this morning saying she had also sold a reborn doll to this person, and she never got payed either.