Another another question

Can i add a little bow brown to the baby flesh to give it a littlemore tan look…

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Do you have burnt umber? You can add that in or just do a thin wash of burnt umber alone.


I do not. I only have the bb starter paints

I thought burnt umber was apart of the starter paints. It is a must have color. Which colors do you have?

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Vein blue, baby skin, warm blush, lip,blush,nail eyelid purple, bow brown, nail tip and matte varnish.

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Yes, I have done it. It makes a pretty nice color. Play, experiment, have fun!


Can you afford to buy the burnt umber? You are going to need it. You should also have earth mint, or the colors to mix your own mint color. The mint is used if your baby gets too red. The umber is used to darken and slightly warm your doll. These are usually used as thin all-over washes to tone the doll. Burnt umber can also be used to build ethnic tones by using many light washes that are blended very carefully. One wash just tones the doll and brings all your undertones together. Yellow Ochre is an important color to have as well. It is also used to warm up the doll. If cooler tones are needed, a green or blue wash might be used. For this I usually use Viridian. It is very touchy though and too much can ruin your doll so if you get this one, make those washes like watercolor!


I suggest you getting if you can the 5 Basic Genesis Colors set then getting yellow ochre as Helen suggested.


I like the Crimson as well.
Somebody who lives close by maybe can sen you just a tiny bit in the very small zip sealed bags ($ store sells them for beads ) …especially the earth mint as you need just for one wash in the end .


@honojane i can not yet. You have to of course spend an x amount. So its best to buy it all at once. I am justnhoping i can get it before my oldests birthday. She wants this baby so badly. So when her little sister is in the hospital she will have someone to care for. So hopefully soon.

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You can use different colors, and mix colors. Just remember to add a tiny bit at a time. I mix colors for most of my layers. I do love burnt umber though. :slight_smile: It warms up the baby really well.
I use brow brown often in a skin layer… I do not use baby skin. It never seemed to change the tone enough for my liking.


@jlesser what do you use if you do not mind me asking.

It varies. I use brow brown, or Ethnic brow as the main color but add a tiny bit of lip color or blue (a tiny tiny bit of blue goes a long way & can stain vinyl) I do very thin layers, I put it on with a brush then pounce it everywhere, then use a dry brush in the large creases then pounce the crease again to blend.

  • I do want to add that I am new to reborning as well I started painting in November 2015.

I made a blue alien for one of my kids and did the same steps as normal but with blue shades and have seen green or grayish babies as well. Just experiment till you get the hang of it.

I bought the small paint set like you have, then the primary color one, and I have burnt umber, and got light burnt umber, orange, and mars black while they were on sale.

Use a cheap sale kit or test parts until you have the hang of it and know how your oven works. Each one is a little different so you need a thermometer inside with your kit as well. I think sleeping babies are easier and of course a little cheaper cause you dont have to buy eyes.

Also this forum is full of info and lovely helpful members. If you cant find your answers using the magnify glass search function then post a question and I am sure people will come along and answer :slight_smile:

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When will she be in the hospital?

She is in the hospital monthly to twice monthly. Were gearing up for one in a day or two if things go the way they are. But there party is the 30th.

Helen!!! I saw your cassia on reborns! I thought she was going to be your keeper???

I didn’t bond with her like I did with my other one… Go figure. I like her, but she’s just not the same. And on top of that the finish crazed on the back of her neck so I have to sell her as a boo-boo. I tried everything to fix it, to no avail. She sure looks cute in her little flowered dress though.


Aw that’s a shame…I guess you can never really remake the first one. :confused: Good luck with the sales though!

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Thanks Izzy. I probably won’t do another. I’ve made this doll twice now. Time to move on, LOL.

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You have your Summer raine! What did you name her???

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