Announcement ☺ PIF Winner ☺

Well ladies, the forum was shut down during our PIF so, I just went ahead and extended it by a few days. I had my daughter draw a name out of a hat and the lucky winner is. … @JackieJo
Congratulations Jackie :grinning: you’re the winner :tada::gift::tada: if you PM me your address I will ship your box of goodies :grinning:
Thank you so much to everyone that participated!!! I really enjoyed reading your stories and looking at all of your adorable babies!!!


Oh, what a perfect winner😀 Thank you for hosting the PIF, Summer❤️

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You’re so welcome :blush: my pleasure! :slight_smile:

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Congrats @JackieJo!

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You are so welcome! My pleasure :blush::kissing_heart:

Congrats Jackie!

Congratulations, Jackie! :smile:
