Anne Geddes doll question

Doll Collectors—I have an Anne Geddes doll that she signed when I met her about 9 years ago. I cannot find any info online about this doll. Do any of you recognize it and know what it’s called or who the sculpting artist was?



I had one like that for a long time it was in a teddy bear suit, I gave it to my husbands niece. I don’t remember where I got it.

I don’t know if this is the one or not but years ago there was a Geddes doll everyone was reborning and it would bring top dollar.

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Search so far shows possibly Eva Helland was the doll’s sculpting artist. If so, this is a bittersweet discovery for me.

This looks like the same baby Anne Geddes/Eva Helland sculpt NOT reborn | #331658764

and here


Yep, that’s the one I was thinking of. Makes a beautiful reborn.

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I’m not sure but that doll is really adorable