
Is anyone else as excited as I am about Ana being available tomorrow?
She is such a darling kit! I may have to borrow from the grocery money. :joy:

I sure hope I can get her before she sells out. I have a feeling she will. Does anyone know if she is a limited edition?


Is she another full body?

She’s a RealBorn. She’s on the homepage now.

Full limbs. She has a belly plate in some of the photos

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I’ve looked at her serveral times. I couldn’t tell if she was full limbs or not. Thanks!!

Scroll to the bottom and you can see the photos of the vinyl parts. Looks like the legs are side loading.

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I don’t think she’s LE
I’m going to wait for seconds if they have any. I’m wanting another Summer Rain :heart_eyes: I’m working on one now and I love this sculpt!!!
Here’s a couple WIP from my phone


She looks great!

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Thank you :blush: Have you reborned Summer Rain yet?

Yes, very excited! Does anyone know what time she’ll go on sale?

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I had planned to get her however after looking her over and finding to me she looks so much like Summer Rain and Kimberly IMO , I think I will pass and go with the Kimberly I just bought as she is a little larger than Ana .

I have not done Summer Rain.

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On sale now


Oh she’s a must!! IMO anyway :wink:

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Seconds are available now of Ana
Supplies - Bountiful Baby (DP Creations LLC)


I ordered one. Didn’t have quite enough to order a first so I got a seconds! Woohoo!


Thanks Jenni :slight_smile: I’m a day late and a dollar short :wink:

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