Amelia wip

Check her out she still a work in progress.


OMG her hair is adorable! I love her

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Thank u so much

She looks adorable I love her hair too!! Is that rooted or a wig? She is really sweet can’t wait to see her all done

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She is adorable and I love her expression and her hair. Make sure you show us her picture when finished!!!

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I’m still rooting her.She has a big head

she’s adorable love her hair

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Thanks so much

She looks very nice! I look forward to seeing photos when she’s all done:)
I just finished her too. It was the biggest head I’ve ever rooted but it was so much fun to see the result and be able to play with her human hair.

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let me see her please

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I haven’t had a chance to get a good picture yet, but here’s a quick snapshot.