Amelia and Kenzie clothing sizes

So for those of you who have reborned these cuties, what size clothing and shoes do they wear?

I know they are supposed to be the size of a 10 month old baby, but WOW…those arms and legs look HUGE! :blush:

Thanks for any info!


I was wondering too, I bought a 12 month dress but haven’t gotten shoes yet

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I have been using 12 month clothing for her.

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She can also wear 18 month pants, but her top is 12 months and her shoe size is a 2 or 3 depending on the brand

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Thank you, Teresa! :blush:

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Also, did you put eyes in from the front, @GrammysReborns Teresa? No way my hand can fit far enough inside the neck to put them in.

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On Grant, you can, as long as he is still nice and warm with no problem.

Sorry not Grant. But yes on Amelia, I haven’t done Kenzie yet.

Okay, thanks again! :slight_smile:

Karen, I was able to put my eyes in through the back, the vinyl is really soft. More so than the Grant kit, imo. :wink:


Thank you, @catherineweebab! :slight_smile:

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