Am I insane? (kit collecting)

After years of collecting completed reborns, I’m starting to think I should just collect blank LE kits. Is that weird? With my finished babies, I get so stressed out about damaging the paint job and the rooting that sometimes I think they’re more stressful than therapeutic!

I might start weighting and assembling my blank kits. Is that super weird?? :flushed:

(Part of it might be that, as an artist, I’m a much better at sculpting than painting. I find the sculpts themselves and the process of reproduction so appealing! idk)


I don’t think it’s weird! Collect whatever it is that makes you happy :slightly_smiling_face:


Not weird at all, I’d love to see when you have a few accumulated. I am going to keep at least one blank kit around and dressed when I decide which one I don’t want to paint. It will probably be a sleeping one as the awake ones are the ones I prefer.


Not weird at all. I often put the kits together (including weighting) before they are painted - I usually just can’t wait to see what they will look and feel like.

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If it makes you happy, go for it!
I always assemble any new kits I get. I’m just too curious.

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Think about how many people buy regular baby dolls. They are either not painted, or have a little blush on the lips and cheeks. People like them anyway.

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Collect away! Hey, you can collect the kits you love and if you ever wanted to, you could find someone to make a custom doll for you


This may be just what I need to do with one I bought when it came out and have no interest at all in now BB Ginger .
I have worked my way through all my stashed kits so I could start buying only favorites and she is still sitting just have no interest .
I think I will put her eyes in and see if it gets me interested or if I just want to keep her as she came in as you have suggested .
I think it is fine to collect whatever makes you happy people collect string , bottle caps , cans so why not I would say go for it .

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