June would be a cute smug zombie
June will make an adorable Fiona (Shrek) !
Joseph would make a cute chubby zombie. Maybe a vampire for June? I think she’d look pretty cute with fangs.
OMG, baby Shrek and Fiona would be too cute!
Don’t give up on dose human Babies l keep going and each and every of them will be better and better
My heart is in the Alternative World so I understand. Pennywise and Pugsley Adams come to mind. Also look at some Past Halloween Challenges that should help. Here is the one I hosted.
Here is our WIX site. Scroll down and click on Archive then Character Challenge.
What about making June some kind of fantasy baby, she has such a cute face. I think Bean just did one with big cotton candy pink hair that was adorable.
I can’t see Joseph as alternative, maybe a big chubby elf?
I keep trying but so far it’s been blah.lol. I won’t give up tho☺️
I love Bean’s work!! she’s the reason I started alternative babies. I started out with the human babies but failed I was about to throw in the towel but then I came across Bean
There is any chance any artist lives close to you and can help you ??
I like @AnnieSokay idea…Pugsle Addams would be perfect for Joseph…also there is the other little Addams baby, from the movie, the one with the mustache
Pubert. Lol
Yup…thats him
There’s a few around but none really close enough but it’s ok, I’m sure I’ll get it one day. I’m having fun trying!
Thank you all so much
Looks so fun! Can’t wait to see!!
Do you think it will be weird that they aren’t awake babies?
No, but I like weird, lol! And you have to go with your vision.