I’m no good making human babies.
I was thinking zombie and ghost baby but can’t settle I usually just do what I do and it just is what it is
June would be a cute smug zombie
June will make an adorable Fiona (Shrek) !
Joseph would make a cute chubby zombie. Maybe a vampire for June? I think she’d look pretty cute with fangs.
OMG, baby Shrek and Fiona would be too cute!
Don’t give up on dose human Babies l keep going and each and every of them will be better and better
My heart is in the Alternative World so I understand. Pennywise and Pugsley Adams come to mind. Also look at some Past Halloween Challenges that should help. Here is the one I hosted.
Here is our WIX site. Scroll down and click on Archive then Character Challenge.
What about making June some kind of fantasy baby, she has such a cute face. I think Bean just did one with big cotton candy pink hair that was adorable.
I can’t see Joseph as alternative, maybe a big chubby elf?
I keep trying but so far it’s been blah.lol. I won’t give up tho☺️
I love Bean’s work!! she’s the reason I started alternative babies. I started out with the human babies but failed I was about to throw in the towel but then I came across Bean
There is any chance any artist lives close to you and can help you ??
I like @AnnieSokay idea…Pugsle Addams would be perfect for Joseph…also there is the other little Addams baby, from the movie, the one with the mustache
Pubert. Lol
Yup…thats him
There’s a few around but none really close enough but it’s ok, I’m sure I’ll get it one day. I’m having fun trying!
Did you decide? @BeVixL
Thank you all so much
Looks so fun! Can’t wait to see!!
Do you think it will be weird that they aren’t awake babies?