All you painted hair experts

I’m sorry I can’t remember everybodies names, but I would love to see all your babies with painted hair, and an explanation of how it was accomplished…inquiring minds want to know! (Marlen, your’s are memorable!) Rhonda

Maggie, those are some gorgeous heads of hair. I think a tutorial on your style is called for. Perhaps the next time you are painting hair you could take a few photos as you progress through. Super job!

Maggie, you gotta be kiddin’ me! If you don’t call yourself an expert, I will! Unbelievably real. I would love to see how you do it! (Plus I like the baby!) Rhonda

very nice. tut would be great!

I just have to say maggie your precious gift is so adorable!!!

I love using the prima pencils for hair, but when you have that prisma eraser does it take the paint off at all? I have one (non prisma brand) that sometimes takes the paint off and i then cant draw the hair on, but i find if i seal the head first i can get the pencil to draw finer and better lines. But they are very dark then! i would like to know how to paint with a paint brush, i bought every one i though that could do it and seriously doesnt work, maybe im not ment to “paint” hair ever just use the prisma pencils. But a Tutorial would be great to see.

Here are some of my prisma babies
Sorry im giving links, dont have time to re-size … 3476-1.jpg … G_3501.jpg … G_2153.jpg … G_5974.jpg

Aww thankyou Marlen, Your AA babies are so beautiful, I love you stormy!

You ladies are goooood!!! I can see why you need patience. I’m glad you posted the pics, it helps to understand your process. And, a tutorial(s) using paint and pencil would be great to see and really helpful! Rhonda