ALL "First Quality" Kits On Sale!

Final Day is Thursday, 5/2/19
UPDATED: 5/2/19. Changed to 20 kits per grouping instead of 30.
UPDATED: 5/1/19. Changed to 30 kits per grouping instead of 40.
UPDATED: 4/30/19. Changed to 40 kits per grouping instead of 50.
Hurry, because this is the beginning of the end for this sale!

All “First Quality” kits are on sale! Discount depends on the number of days of stock we have-- i.e., the more days of stock we have remaining for that kit, the higher the discount.

Discounts are as follows:

50% OFF - The first 50 kits with the highest “Days Of Stock” in inventory.
40% OFF - The next 50 kits with the highest “Days Of Stock”.
30% OFF - The next 50 kits (with highest “Days Of Stock”).
20% OFF - The next 50 kits
10% OFF - All Other Kits

If we don’t have very many of that kit, the discount isn’t very high.
If we have lots of that kit, the discount is higher.

But they are ALL on sale!

Nevin Pratt, CEO
Bountiful Baby