All Babies at 265, 8 mins?

My oven seems to be a bit wonky, and I’m trying to work that out. I don’t want shiny babies! But I’m wondering if all of you bake your denser dolls at the same time and temp as the others? So say a soft vinyl BB preemie, at the same time and temp as a 22 inch harder vinyl? Or do adjust it slightly for those variables?

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I do all my babies 265 8 min. I also use an oven thermometer to make sure the temp is at 265.
You can also do 255 too. 8-10 min. Just watch your thermometer. And don’t forget to check the time!

I’m not sure but it’s more about the amount of time it takes the paint to cure than it is about the vinyl. I test after the first bake and adjust if necessary. I’ve that my oven works best at 275 for 9 min. When I open the door the temp falls. From what I’ve read the paint has to REACH the proper temp for the right amount of time to cure. Feel free anyone to correct me. I don’t want to give out incorrect instructions.


I was doing well with that time and temp, and now my Magic Chef has gone wonky. I do also have a NuWave, and am getting crazy readings and shiny babies. I think my ovens are cursed. Lol.
So now I have older parts that are a much harder vinyl that I’m using as test parts, but was wondering if the temp would need to be lowered a bit when baking the newer, softer vinyl?

I will not recommend the Nuwave anymore. The customer service support is horrible. The oven gets way too hot and the domes crack.

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Which one do you prefer? Which have you found to be most reliable?

I’ve been using a NuWave for over two years. For convection ovens, a temp of 250 is all that is required to cure GHSP, according to their site. Do a swab test to make sure your paint is cured. If I set my NuWave any higher than 255 I get shiny vinyl. Try setting your NuWave for 250 with an oven thermometer inside, and then do a swap test (paint the neck flange and test). As for the cracking of the dome, since I changed over to the NuWave Pro Plus, which comes with a reinforced dome and a metal extender ring, I’ve had no problems.


I have the Farberware table top oven and it works great. I use the oven thermometer and get it to 265 for 8 min.