Alarick by Noemi Smith

Who else has pre-order Alarik ? I hesitate between this one and the other new werewolf (the prototype looks a lot like my lost cat) but I think this one will make a nice kitty !


I’m tempted. But I already have Lucian and Robbie waiting. And Luna is on preorder. I actually have 2 Lucians because I’m making one for @Nikkiroc. I’m think Alarick would just sit in his bag forever. So I might as well wait and buy him later on.

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I just wish someone would make a cat hybrid, that’s why I choose Alarick.

That’s a lot of rooting waiting for you :slightly_smiling_face:

Luna Kane is supposed to be a cat I think

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Her muzzle is way too big. I dislike the bottom lip. The prototype is very good tho !

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I think they said Lucian too… I am going to go look

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I think you’re right.

Yep. Feline.

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They may be, but I can’t imagine them as cats. Big cats maybe, like a panther or lion. Cats have more delicate features.

*I have so much trouble with my keyboard :confounded:

My search got me no where. :wink:

Enchanted Kreature Kits say human-dog hybrid.

@Katinafleming I knew Debbie had said feline before… Mac and Irresistibles doesnt say pup or feline. lol just hybrid

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Big cats? @Purplefetish you need a lion?

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Yes but it’s too wolfy for me. I am going to use Heather and enhance her upper lip a bit. Thank you for thinking of me!

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Lucian Kane makes a great lion


Her work is so cool!

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I agree. Her Lucians and Lunas are amazing.

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