Air Dry Recommendations?

I have been using Ultimate Fusion Air Dry Paints but I find it takes really long to build up the color lol! When I used GHSP…it was perfect! Except the baking was really bad for my asthma (my mom had to bring me to my pediatrician) so I had to switch to air dry paints. Does anyone have any good air dry paints that are similar to GHSP recommendations please and thank you?

Genesis are oil based paints and most air dry are acrylic so unless you find a oil based air dry paint that is suitable I think your just going to be stuck with doing more layers.

I think @RebornsbyZebra uses Golden. Maybe she can weigh in

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Yes…I highly recommend trying Golden fluid paints. There is a really good starter pack on Amazon. The mix I use now for my washes, I feel, is comparable to Genesis, at least what I think it would be like…Ive never used it.
I put in a couple drops of paint and some satin glazing liquid and a drop of retarder then I thin it down with a tiny bit of wetting agent mixed with distilled water…you can think of it as your thinner :slight_smile: . I mix it in an old Golden varnish bottle, I just put in a squirt of wetting agent and pour water in then invert a few times. It can sometimes look a bit “soapy” when you first mix it but then it calms down. I just brush it on and then pat it down. I use a bunch of cheap kabuki brushes but you could use sponges as well.


I use Liquitex Professional Paints. Have not use Golden Paints but I use Golden products. I love my paints but want to try UF. I started with Waterborne but could not get the hang of them (the problem for me seemed to be to stir it and not shake it), I do like and use them sometimes with my liquitex. The first time I used LPP. I was amazed at how smooth and easy it was going on. But I think @RebornsbyZebra begs to differ, lol. I thought about trying Golden but have decided that they are pretty similar and to try UF instead as they seem pretty different. Have never used GHSPs. I do not prep my kits nor do I use an extender/retarder. I live in a very dry climate with no problems. Good Luck @vcasborn Someone on here said to use a paint and stick with it till you get it. My first Riley - Girl, I used Waterborne. The second boy, I used Liquitex and the third and final one I’d like to use UF. It will show my journey.

Don’t pay attention to the brows just the paints, lol!


That’s the problem with Ultimate Fusion. I love the result but I have to dilute a lot less than they said. Take a lot of layers ! I usually do most of the skin tone with it, and use Golden or RebornFX for creases, mottle and blush.

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Liquitex is good but too thick and creamy for me…also I think Golden is of better quality because of an incident I had when I was using Liquitex, two of my babies legs were touching before the paint was cured and when Im moved them it ripped off the paint, that never happens with Golden, its really hard to get off period :wink:

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Do you have any examples of your babies painted with Golden?

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Yes! That’s exactly my problem and if it’s not diluted enough…it creates these little colored spotches but I love that I only need to mix it with diluted water and that’s it, I just wish the paint was stronger


Here is my Saskia that I just sold

Here is my Robin custom that I recently finished as well


Wow! Those are really nice results :heart_eyes: Are the paints highly pigmented? And how long does it take to cure them? Are you able to paint one leg, then paint another leg and the paint dries already? If that makes sense lol

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@RebornsbyZebra pretty babies! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: That did happen to me once when the paint touched another part of the baby it did leave a spot but my daughter liked it. I have since done things different. That is the art of knowing how to work your paints with the additives. :wink: Maybe I need to get a baby from you to see the difference. :grin: I’m coming for a visit! I wish :disappointed:

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Anytime you want to visit, just let me know :slight_smile:

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Thank you :). It dries very fast! I paint the head and then go through the limbs, belly plate if there is one, and right back to the head again. They also cure very fast, by the time I finish rooting and gluing the head everything is cured well enough to sell. The Golden Polymer varnish is really good and has UV protection but I like the Americana soft touch over the top, I think it makes them look more realistic. I use matting powder or corn starch in both.

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I would sell everything to live in France, Italy or Hawaii! My husband on the other hand would not, lol! So here in NM I’ll stay. It is an awesome choice too!


I absolutely love your lip colors!


@RebornsbyZebra April, your Saskia is one of my favorite now! Looks so real and SOOOOOOOOOO cute!
And I want to visit too :blush:


i love che air dry paints. they work rwally well for me.

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Yeah, you can all come, my husband is a great travel guide :wink: and thank you, so far he is my favourite as well :slight_smile:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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