Air dry paints necessities

I want to order Che’air dry paints because the don’t cost a fortune and I hear they are really good. What should I order? What would be necessary?

I would suggest getting a medium that extends the dry time. I’m not familiar with Che’air but I know waterborne offers one called slo-dri which I love. The Waterborne paints are a decent price as well and they last a long time at least for me.

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Where do you get them?

Here you go @morgan123

The link Anne gave is where you can buy them. The tinting colors are nice and the owner offers small bottles that are good to try them out with.

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Wow! They are a good price. Would the “Try me” set be good for a beginner?

I think so. I started with that but didn’t use the primer. I also found that the paints do not work well with the honeycomb sponge. I prefer to use a large cosmetic wedge that I plucked with tweezers. The tinting colors are very nice for washes too.

Thank you😊

I’ll contact Tonya Trapple over on the Cora forum and ask her to contact you here. I know she’s a member here, but can’t remember her username.

I just sent Tonya a message and asked if she could contact you. She is friend’s with Cher and speaks with her often, so can either get info for you or get you in contact with Cher.

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Thank you do much!!

do you have her email? She has seemed hard to reach lately. Not sure if she checks into email. It’s been a long time since I ordered. you’ll probably get results from Tonya. If you buy from her, i suggest just getting the trial set. Has everything you need to start.