After sealing with decoart.... and other question

How long do I have to wait to root hair after I sealed with the decoart? Do you seal before or after you put gloss on the nails? I always did before.

I usually wait a day or two before I start rooting. I seal the whole baby and them put an extra layer of Soft Touch varnish just on the nails with a small brush. It gives a more natural sheen than gloss IMO.

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Ok, thanks. I’m gonna try the varnish on the nails.

I would wait at least one week. I put this on my babies and it requires a pretty good length to cure


Mine aren’t fully cured after a day or two but enough to get the rooting started. So far I haven’t had a problem. I don’t sell them until fully cured-usually 1-2 weeks.


Do you wait until they are fully cured before you dress them? Can I dress them in a day or 2? This my first time using the decoart to seal.

I agree it’s gonna be close to two weeks. But once cured it’s permanent and archival.


I only wait a day but I use Golden polymer matte varnish (with super matte) first and then I put soft touch (with reborn fx matting powder) over that.


This is exactly how I seal my babies now too @RebornsbyZebra and love the soft matte finish both layers provide! I usually wait 24-48 hrs before I start rooting but typically just 24 hrs.


I’m finding that Golden Polymer matte varnish mixed with a bit of super matte is pretty matte. What does soft touch with matting powder do that another layer of Golden Polymer doesn’t do? Better texture? @RebornsbyZebra @sweetiepieapril

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They look more dewy and they are softer, of course…too me the Golden varnish looks too flat. The first time I used the Golden varnish I didn’t like it and thought perhaps I had put too much super matte in it so I put the soft touch over the top but then after a day or two it looked too shiny. First I tried putting the super matte in the soft touch but it didn’t seem work as well as it does with the Golden so I tried the RebornFX matting powder in the soft touch and that seems to be the magic recipe, at least for me :wink: .

Edit…I do put two coats of Golden Varnish plus the extra coat of deco art soft touch.

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How much Super Matte are yall mixing in your Golden Varnish?

I squirt out a half dollar, maybe a bit more, size of Golden varnish and then just dip a wooden popsicle stick in my super matte and mix it in so its not too much.
Sorry, Im not very precise in my measurements :wink:

To whatever amount of Golden Polymer I dump out, I add about 1/4 of the Super matte. Maybe a tad less. Using more really dulled down my colors.

Thank you ladies. The first time I tried it I used it half and half. I like a very matte baby. However, the next day he felt very tacky and took on sheen so I ended up using the RebornFX Ultra Matte Varnish over him to get rid of the tack and sheen. I really like the Soft Touch varnish mixed with arrowroot powder but it has no UV protection so I am looking at using the Golden Polymer matte varnish underneath it.