Advice needed. Rooting

Hey ladies
I’m in need of some advice. This is my second baby I’m rooting… my goal (wich i missed totally) was to root lightly… but opposite is true so dense rooting I’m making…and now I’m second guessing myself… will this look ok in the end? I’m making a swirl, using 46g barb needle, and my needle is very flat against the vinyl… bit will this be too.much hair…? I havemt brushed iit yet because it’s not glued yet. Its velty now, but will work out with my water and conditioner in the end…I hope (my first worked well with the combing after) Can’t sleep wondering…

Way too much hair per hole. Try to grab only 2-3. Also, making a map of what you want to do will help you with the direction.


You have too many hairs in one hole. If you want it thick. Then it’s fine. Otherwise, you should go through n pull out some hairs with tweezers. You should wet n brush the hair as you root. So it won’t get tangled n matted like it is now. I cannot help you with the swirl.

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I would recommend to watch Youtube ‘Reborn With Me’ when she covers in details all type of swirls and show how to root the swirl.
I also would not root eyelashes before hair as they will get all messed up in the process.


Thank you lady’s for your answers. I will go back and try to take some hairs out. Don’t really get where I went wrong with the too many hairs per hole… when I poot the needle in, there is very very few hair going in…using the smallest needle.
So strange I’m from Holland, and when I buy my needles, I can’t choose between barb/vork…only the number shows. (37,40,42,43 etc) i looked closely at my needle and there are 3 mini barbs (?) on the side. Will try to make picture later of the needle…
Also thinking taking all the hair out and try to start over…with different hair?

You try thinning it out in a small area to see how it looks…before you take it all out. :slight_smile:

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I don’t think it’s the hair. What kind are you using? How big is the bundle of hair you’re holding when you root? Small amounts tend to pick up less hair.

I brush as I go and nothing comes out as long as the right end has been rooted.
I micro root but never leave more than 3 hairs in a hole. And that is only if the hair is very fine.

You have to pull out only 2-3 hair of the bundle with your needle, then puck them. You can remove any excess hair with a tweezer.

Ladies!! Thnx for your help! I finished yesterday, and i am pretty pleased with the result! Finally i can put her together! I think she’s cute! Last finishing touched and she’s done :slight_smile:


Her hair does look much nicer! Very cute baby❤️


Beautiful, what sculpt is she?

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She looks good. I’m looking forward to see her assembled and dressed.

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@catt410 she’s Rosa by Karola Wegerich

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@jeanhai here are her pictures 44cm-1,9kg-08/02/21

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She’s cute. Are you keeping or selling her?