Adventures with Tibby cont'd

I haven’t shared any of Tibby’s activities of late. Last week a snowstorm left us with 7 inches of new, fluffy snow. What child can’t resist new snow.

Tibby wasn’t too happy that her table and chairs were covered.

Tibby decided to sit down on her chair and eat snow. Sure hope it wasn’t the yellow stuff.

Here is Tibby using her shovel to clean off her table and chairs.

Time to check out the deep stuff.

Ok, who is going to pull?

And what does everyone love to do in new snow?? You guessed it–Snow Angels!!

Tibby decided she needed a rest.

Thanks for visiting.

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Aw Tibby looks so sweet in her cute purple puffer jacket! What a darling!

I love your Tibby stories. Did she drink a nice cup of cocoa when she came inside?

Yes, hot chocolate was just the thing to warm us up! It looks so cute seeing her little boots next to mine. Someone coming in would just want to commit me!!! Hey, a girl’s gotta have fun!!

i bet she slept real good that night!!! love it.

Cutest Tibby EVER! I love her and adventures. We’ve had NO SNOW here at all this winter to speak of…it’s been kind of weird, really. BUT…if Tibby ever visits me, we’ll have hot chocolate with LOTS of marshmallows.

Awww Tibby you and Mama Kim look like you had great fun !!!Did ya build a snowman too?

Unfortuantely, the snow wasn’t the packing kind—too fluffy for snowmen.

Kim, little Tibby’s adventures are so cute - I can just picture this summer when you have her out in front of the house with a Lemonade Stand!

Kim, if every one of us on this forum and all the Mommies who adopted from us had the ambition and outlook to interact with our babies the way you do, can you imagine what a wonderful world we would live in?? Spectacular, Lady !! Keep it up !!

Thanks everyone. It was fun. My mom bought the snowsuit at a thrift store. It is a perfect fit. I will have to find the old posts I had so the newer people can see some of her other adventures.

Here are some links from past listings of Tibby and Tibby 2.
