Actually excited😱

I actually have something to be super excited about!!! Today… I’m getting back to my babies!!! Woohoooo!!! Right after I finish cleaning this house… I am going to start rooting my custom cooper with beautiful auburn hair from Angela! And, my motivation to finish is… My big box of bb supplies is due here Monday!! And I can start on my swap baby!!! This was the kick I. The butt I needed! It’s so easy to put off what we love, for others and other things. And I prob would of continued to do that. BUT I CANT! I have deadlines!!! And I work best under pressure( deadline pressure, not gun to the head pressure… Big difference) :wink: anyways… I would like to thank the academy of beautiful reborn artists on our wonderful bb forum , my customer for making me root, and of course our darling @izzy, for making all this possible! :kiss: Lolol my husband would like to add that I should change my name from Nikkiroc to nikkiflair, because of my extreme flair for all things I can make dramatic. Lol it’s a thought! :kiss: love you ladies​:kiss::heart:️:kiss::heart:️:kiss::heart:️:kiss::heart:️SO MUCH!


Looking forward to see your progress :slight_smile:

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Lol me too!!! I hope I didn’t forget and I can pick up where I left off!!!

Yesssss! So happy for you Nikki! Sometimes we just need some “me” time to do what we love lol!

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YAY! Welcome back!!!

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I am excited to see more dolls by you! yay!
So can we officially put you on a no other things than reborning ban? lol

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I know what you mean about putting things off. We have something around here that we lovingly call “alpaca drama or sheep drama”. I do tend to get caught up in that…glad you are back!


Yay!!! Welcome back to baby making, Nikki! We missed seeing your new little bubs! :wink: I am glad that the ban is lifted!!! :smile:


Welcome back to the world of reborning…where you can create to your hearts content…!!


I am so glad you are back, Nikki. You have definately been missed around here. You are very popular you know! Especially with some of us, right Lynn?


YaY! Grand news indeed! I can not wait for WIP pics and all. Happy rooting, that is my job tonight…rooting Jesse kit :blush: Isn’t Mail coming the best!! I may be weird but I love having a box delivery, especially if it is reborn stuff instead of my hubby’s golf balls :smiley:

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about ready to start! Root root!


I realize I need to take the lashes off! Lol he wanted to look cute for the pic!:kiss::heart:

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Lol Nik. Want pics!!

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You got it sistet​:kiss::+1:t2:

Yay! Can’t wait to see some babies!


I love your cooper!!! He is on my list to do soon

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WooHoo!! I’m so pleased the ban is lifted. I love your babies xx

Cooper is a little cutie pie xx

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Your Cooper is so cute…love the hair color you chose for him!!

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Thank you everyone! The buyer choose the hair… I am excited to see how it turns out!