Accidentally sold a doll!

I’m attending a workshop this week for AP art certification, and I started talking with fellow art teachers about my dolls. They asked me to bring one in the next day, and the instructor fell in love!! She is an AP art portfolio trainer of teachers and “reader,” meaning she judges the best art portfolios of high school students for the entire country (if they pass they’re awarded college credit). So I’m pretty flattered.

She said she has to have one and she’s not leaving tomorrow without giving me a deposit! Haha uh oh…And I told myself I would never do customs :joy:

(Photo posted with permission)


Oh my gosh, how FUN!!! Congrats!


Congratulations on your sale!

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Cool, how exciting!

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What a compliment! Congratulations!

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Oh Congrats! Look how happy she is! Love your pic!

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Very exciting and by an accomplished art teacher wow! Congrats!!

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That’s great congratulations

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Tonight’s progress for her doll, combing out mohair orders between baking sesaions! #DollLife


Awesome, love the progress pictures!

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Me too. She looks really good.

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