
I’m going crazy - I can’t stand the wait. When is ZURI going to come out!!! It feels like it’s taking FOREVER!!! I feel the same about this kit as I did when I was waiting for Levi to be available. Have totally fallen in love with this chubby baby. Anyone else waiting for her too?


Yes I agree :heart_eyes:


Me too!! I love her! The out of stock list says late November, but it’s a bit late now.

I wonder. she is so adorable!
Wonder why they dont order a lot of kits when they know they have a winner or am i being business dumb

I don’t know about the rest of you, but while I’m waiting I constantly look and order other things.

Me too. Gotta quit that!

It’s probably a good marketing strategy.

I can’t wait either…she has the cutest little face Ill probably buy more than one kit :wink: