AA Help

I am going to try my hand at an aa reborn but I can’t find a tutorial on YouTube that goes through the entire process. So, do I do ever thing the same (mottling, veins etc.) until I get to the complextion layer?

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I have read a few tutorials and the ones I have still use it slightly. I’ll am new to this but have seen different babies on here and I still have a few questions about that too. Some people say they only use a few layers some people use a lot. The more layers you put on your baby will get darker. Burnt umber will darken your baby over time as well.

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Forum member @snuggle2me has her own tutorial for sale on her etsy account. Maybe she’ll come share the link. I saw a Rosebud recently done by a newbie using her tutorial and it was WOW! Carrie’s babies are to die for too :heart_eyes:

Found it!


you mean burnt umbre gets darker as time goes on like months from now?

Lol, no I have only made 2 babies but I used burn umber washes and my baby turned darker when making it.

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oh lol!!! I was totally panicking!


Hahaha no I used Carrie’s tuturial on etsy but used alot of burnt umber lol

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Good laugh for the morning. I am suffering with eyebrows right now and patience on coloring and shading. I don’t have any.lol

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Adding burnt umber washes will darken a baby gradually but you might want to add it to a flesh color to help build up the skintone instead of burnt umber by itself. A few washes won’t hurt but multiple layers can go orange on you fast. I add a touch of blue when using burnt umber to help prevent orange babies.


i wonder if purple will also work at toning the orange?

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Yes, it works too. I play around with alot of mixes to see what works. :wink:

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