A place to vent

I’m generally a positive person but we all need to vent sometimes! I usually brush off these sort of messages but this one struck me. I had someone attempt to scam me on my latest sale. With Christmas so close, I gave listing in the Facebook marketplace a try hoping for a local sale. I have received several messages from interested buyers but also many nasty messages. This is the one that struck me (pardon the paint on my screen)

People need to do their research but we can’t change the way people are. I’d like to invite everyone to vent about anything sales related in this thread :slight_smile: I know it makes me feel better to share this stuff with people who do respect this art!


People are crazy if they think store bought dolls are anything like reborns. Good for you for just leaving and not putting up with any nonsense!


It’s so hard not to fight back! I always try to give a very brief lesson on reborns and then step away


How incredibly rude and nasty!!! Shame on them!!

If she thinks she saw something better for less money, move along then. No need to be so rude. Good for you with maintaining your composure and responding with class.

I have not dealt with anything like this. My biggest complaint at the moment is that my April isn’t selling. So I had the email pop up on my phone that comes when a doll is sold on the reborns site. I was like “Yes! Finally!!”… only to open it and realize it was only a question. “Is this a full body silicone?”


I would have told her to go buy the store doll and pass by mine. Goodbye. Hate people like this. Just a pot stirer

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I always get excited when I see that email! so many questions that could be answered if people just READ!


Why would she even take the time to send that message?
I got a message like that too, once. It simply said I was charging too much. I asked if he knew what a reborn doll even is. He didn’t.

I also hate the “does it poop and pee and cry and can you make it full silicone?”


I’ve gotten a couple of those. Got all excited for nothing. lol

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Some people are just ugly. The problem with the internet is that people behave this way because they are not facing the person they are insulting. They need to remember that there is a real person on the other end and besides what does it matter to her if she is not interested in the baby? Like I used to tell my son who was always in everyones business, MYOB!..go to the store and buy a baby alive and call it a day LOL.
Speaking of Reborns someone sent me a message asking if she could pay for my boo boo doll with a prepaid card. I told her that I only take Paypal. She said “I have PayPal”…ok, then why are you asking me about a prepaid card?? but what I actually said was that it was good because my Reborns account is set up for instant payment so all she needed to do was click on the buy button. Hours went by before she finally bought him LOL…shes verified and everything…strange!

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Exactly. Have fun with your baby alive or whatever cheap doll you saw in the store :grin: The doll she was questioning is beautiful and it was actually difficult for me to list her for sale!
What a strange question I’m glad she pulled through and bought your baby though! Usually when I get weird messages like that the person is never to be heard from again.

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I know…I really wasn’t expecting her to. Im glad she didnt wait though because I have a custom going out tomorrow so we won’t need to make too many trips to the post office this week. I only have one other baby up for sale…my poor unwanted Uriel LOL. Im actually hoping at this point that no one buys her until after new years :wink:

Two sales! Congrats! Shipping is so stressful this time of year. All of my packages appear lost in limbo based on their tracking. I have one for sale I don’t think I’ll sell before Christmas but I don’t mind if she sticks around for a while I love her.

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Ive had a couple scares with the post saying they lost something only to find it a couple hours later…still its scary when you are thinking your baby is not going to get there.

About that FB marketplace… I put one of mine on there one time, think it was a FB suggestion, and got really weird messages. I think it went out to a lot of non-doll people, and they didn’t even understand what it was. I avoid that one now, and just advertise on my nursery page and real doll groups


Yeah Marketplace sells everything…sometimes it just posts there without you even asking it to, I will post on baby sites and then it posts on there as well . I had a lady ask me what they were for, when I told her they were collectors items she asked if they were for women who could not have babies. I told her that they are for a lot of people, in a lot of different situations. At least she was nice about it.

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Same here! Except my unwanted baby is April. Guess she can stay an orphan till next year. :rofl:

I seriously don’t get it. My dolls have been selling within minutes or hours. She is a LE listed at the same price as my BB dolls and nobody wants her. Hmmmm🤔

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I don’t know what it is, some babies will just sit there. I lowered Uriel’s price and it had no effect. I also have her posted on all the French FB sell sites. I sold Chase and Levi there very quickly and my Liam sold in hours of putting her on Reborns. I thought Uriel would sell quickly…thats what I get for thinking LOL

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My Lillian that I sold in the 12th is still not home …expected delivery dec 24th by 8:30pm! eek!

Stupid postal strike here in Canada really caused all kinds of backlogs, especially going to the States. Lady st post office actually told me it might not arrive until March!!

March!? that’s insanity