A dilemma. Buyer never paid so I sold

I had someone who previously bought two babies from me in the past, contact me in July asking for a custom baby. Deadline end of September. After quoting her she says its a bit much than she can pay. I offer one option of a would be boo boo baby I was currently working on (different skin tones) and She’s happy. She gets the invoice and lets it sit for 2 weeks. I had no money to buy the few paints and body I needed so the baby was on the back burner. I contact her and remind her not to forget it, she reads the message and never replies.
Meanwhile I get a payment from another buyer, a previous customer and I go ahead and buy her body, along with their babies supplies I need and start. She contacts me about August 20th and says “oh shoot I forgot to pay you.” But does. A week later she sends me a picture if her car totalled. And asks if she can split the payment. I say Ok sure. Then the invoice sits.
I cancel the invoice.
Finished the baby 3 days ago. And list her for sale. I sent a few pictures to her and say no hsrd feelings but baby is done and is posted for sale. She says that shes beautiful and says “Ill see what i can do if I can buy her. Sorry for blowing you off but life happens”. Meanwhile I get 3 other interests and after 2 days if nothing from her, baby sells to someone else. I print the label…she gets sent this morning by my husband, and I wake up just now to a message from her with “Okay send and invoice! I promise ill pay you this time. Hahaha”.
And no idea how to reply.

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I’m very sorry but I couldn’t wait any longer. She was listed and was purchased by someone else.


What @jeanhai said. No body has time to play the waiting game.


Her saying “sorry to blow you off but life happens” shows she doesn’t respect you time and effort. I’d simply say say she’s sold, then ignore her from now on.


U wanna say - you know life happens for me too lol - but I see u said she was a repeat customer so I guess u gotta be nice and say what jeanhal said lol -


Thanks ladies I said what Jeanhai said and then moved her messages to message requests because I’m too scared of her reply and its much too early to handle the anxiety of it. :weary:


Some people love to play games. You know what her game is— she strings you along. Don’t play it any more. Some people…


I don’t think you should feel bad or worry about it -you gave her ample opportunity to pay you for the doll -she never put a deposit or anything on the doll -so the doll was yours to do what you wanted - you told her she was listed to be sold - so she shouldn’t be surprised- you are not obligated to her in any way - don’t feel bad and don’t take any crap off her for it either lol - bless you

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Maybe she will learn a lesson from this. Don’t wait too long.


Doubtful. I bet she just moves on and plays the same game with another artist. :confused:


Sorry , the baby is sold and on the way to meet her / his new mommy


I sent the message early then laid down for a nap. She says “I wanted her! …my daughter will br so dissapointed…”

Say, “I explained you that I had finished the doll and had listed her. You didn’t come forward and say that you were going to pay for her or when and someone else contacted me first saying they would buy her.”


Tell her your family counts on your income from your dolls. You contacted her multiple times, and gave her plenty of time to pay. As a business woman, you have to do what is best for your own business.

We all get “customers” saying they want dolls and they will pay for them on such and such date. If we held dolls for all those time wasters we would never be able to actually sell them to the people who really intend to buy them.


Don’t get too anxious about it. Perhaps just say, “Awww. I will have other dolls available soon. When the time is right, I’m sure you will find one.” Or something light hearted like that. You did nothing wrong and it doesn’t sound like she is even upset at this point.


Life is full of disappointments that children learn to deal with. You were more than reasonable and have nothing to feel bad about. You went out of your way to accommodate her. She is at fault for not staying in touch with you. Had she done that, you might not have listed the doll. Am I right?

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Agree. You gave her plenty of chances. Buyers need to understand that this is a business. They need to think about how they’d feel if they worked at their job and their employer kept going back and forth or “forgetting” to give them their paycheck.

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Do not allow her to manipulate you into feeling guilty. It is always the people who have money who forget to pay.

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