A chubby mini? Do they exist?

Is there a mini sculpt that looks like a healthy baby, but shunk to mini sized? Some of the minis look so scrawny.

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I was just wondering about this exact thing yesterday. Lyla wants a chubby baby but small enough for her to cuddle.


I’d like one that could be in a curio cabinet or shelf. I really liked what that video showed for Rose keepsakes, although they aren’t like reborns as we know them.

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There are a lot if you click that link above. Here’s one of them. She’s super chubby.

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The Didi Jacobson mini triplets are cute and chubby too. And since they are triplets that means 3 times the cuteness.


Yes, was just looking at those since you posted the main link to that size!

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Now I want all of those. :heart_eyes:

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I like Mara the best out of those three faces. Do they have the same limbs?

I don’t know for sure. But it looks like they do.

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How big is Lyla?

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Who is Lyla?

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Idk. Guessing human, but could be reborn. :smile:

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Oh wow, Arias even has fat rolls. I like Mara’s face better though.

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Lyla is my granddaughter…she is 8! :grin: