3D Skin Comparison Opinion (PICS)

So I decided to take some pics to show the comparison of with what I consider to be 3D texture and without, and to get your opinion on which would you prefer.

I definitely love the 3d ones
the texture is great!

I use skin texture. I think it adds significantly to the realism of the look…but at the price of the “feel”…

Absolutely 3-D, looks great!

WOW, LOOKS GREAT TO ME!!! I do it all the time now. What do you all use to get this affect? DEE

Thanks! I pounced it on with an old paint brush. It’s hard in the center and only the tips are soft. It’s perfect for the job, and you never get too much of the mixture on you brush or the baby!

— Begin quote from “MyFriendLizzy”

Thanks! I pounced it on with an old paint brush. It’s hard in the center and only the tips are soft. It’s perfect for the job, and you never get too much of the mixture on you brush or the baby!

— End quote

I think the question was about what product you used, what you thinned it with and what color paint you tinted it with and not so much how it was applied? I use a stencil brush where I want the most texture and a textured sponge where I want less texture… I use thick medium thinned slightly with thinning medium or thinner and a touch of flesh 08 on mine…

lol thanks Pia! I didn’t see the word “all”. I use the same as you but I also add the heat set Matte Varnish in my mixture as well.

Here is the tutorial by Nicole Russell. I used this technique until I found GHSP Satin Medium and I now use it straight from the jar with a touch of Flesh 08 added to it at the end of my painting. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.222653694443800.52089.204718992903937&type=3

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