3 month Joseph seconds available

I was tempted to
Order one. But I have a 3 month Joseph. I did order two belly plates the other day. I’m trying to cut back,


I just need his head. But they tend to list heads in the middle of the night, and they are usually gone by morning. :grimacing:


I did what I thought I would when I wanted him he first came out couldn’t get him then they waited so long to restock him the glow has worn off :smile:
I am still thinking about him but it isn’t a gotta have now thing as it was before I am now in I might get him later mode lol


Awe, I hope you be able to get one. I’ll be checking for you.

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I understand. I had 2 sold one. I thought I wanted another one. Don’t have to have him or anymore kits for that matter.

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That’s the thing! Love him but see weeks, maybe months, of work with that one!


I snagged him this round! :slight_smile:

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