2nd edition Levi

I just saw on TruBorn Levi 2nd Edition. I thought Bonnie Brown was against 2Editions or am I mistaken?

She’s against opening a limited edition. But Levi wasn’t ever limited edition. He was limited 1st edition. A lot of sculptors sell them that way. It’s completely ethical. They are saying they will make a limited number of kits at first. But at some point later they will open it for a second, possibly open edition. The limited first edition just means you’re buying one of the first production kits so you can reborn it while it’s new and highly desirable.


Thanks for this, I’ve had an issue with words since I was a child, the words get very scrambled in my brain! I had to read your explanation over and over to get it straight. I will probably read it several more times to imprint. Just another challenge I’ve had to adjust to​:joy::joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::face_with_monocle:, not dumb just different!!!


I bought a chase because I thought first limited edition was a limited edition, I guess it really doesn’t make any difference whatso ever to say “first limited edition” if the kit is an open edition


I think it’s just fancy words to get around an issue.


Yes that is what is confusing to me, a trick on words it seems to me…that’s what my ex husband was good with!


I wondered about that first and second addition too. I mean do they change the sculpt or is it the exact same thing? It makes it sound like second addition is less valuable then first addition.

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I think 2nd edition is a release of the exact same sculpt…
I’m not sure about the devaluation of the sculpt as sometimes a 1st edition is close to 2000…which, in my opinion pretty much devalues the kit right off the bat.

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There’s really no difference in value. The first edition is only special because its one of the first shipments…a chance to be one of the first to reborn that kit. But if you don’t reborn it early then it’s just a kit. Some sculptors wait a couple of years to release the second edition. Others seem to release the 2 editions back to back. I guess there’s a little extra value during the time the kit is out of stock. But sometimes they never go out of stock.:woman_shrugging:t2:

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