28” Baby - Need Suggestions

This is Hailey. I’ve been concerned about the look of this 28” Body Style from BB and after assembling it I’m not thrilled. It just doesn’t look right. Does anyone else offer a gathered body style?


I’m trying to think of the person that makes bodies on here.

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@RoseannsBoutique, I believe this is her.


Thank you ma’am!!! :hugs::heart_eyes: I sent her a message.

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The top half looks too narrow for the rest of her but she’s super cute.

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I think so too.

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You welcome

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I think it’s because the lower half is so wide. It’s just so weird looking to me. And the top half doesn’t have “shoulders”.

I think you should photograph her without clothes and uncross her arm to get a true perspective.

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Good idea.

@jeanhai @EmOh @YelenaRey @Msmimi04

I added pictures of her without clothes for a better look.

Oh, yeah. It’s not better without clothes. Sorry.

My Juan (pennywise) is on that body and I hate that his arms fall back. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.

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This is the kind of body I hate! Just no shape, IMO, and to me, when I put it on my baby, it makes him look like a “Stuffed Shirt”!!! When I dressed him, he really did look like a stuffed shirt. I changed his body and I like it better.

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What do you mean? You modified the body or bought another one…if so, from where?

I knew this would be problematic I regret not searching for alternative sooner.

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Since she is sleeping can you use the standing body for TIbby? Just a thought!


I used another one from BB, but one of the newer updated ones. My baby was not that big, though. I will need a better body for my Hailey. I have wondered where I would get one, and I think I may as Roseann’s Boutique from here to do one for me when I am ready.

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MiMi mentioned her to me and I sent Roseann a message. Awaiting her reply for now.

I may attempt to modify the current body. :woozy_face:

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