I can’t believe we are here, a new year, 2025, I remember being little and thinking how far away that was, I couldn’t believe what the world would be like, I really thought we would be driving spaceships and everyone would have robots. Honestly we kinda do, just not the way imagined,
I closed up my baby workshop mid December, tidied up, donated at least 3K in baby clothes, shoes, hats, blankets, sweaters, socks, pajamas… I cleaned house, thinned everything out bare bones. It was hard to do, I spent so much time collecting all that stuff.
(that is not meant to be a flex, I really needed the space and room to breath and get back to working full-time, hoarding baby clothes is not something I am proud of)
I took it all to a resource center for low income families. They do good work, they offer so much support; parenting classes, car share, lending library, mental health… They also have a free closet for new moms to “shop” from. I told them I had a lot of clothes and things and they said “oh we can only take 0-2t clothes and not many we just don’t have room to store it all.” I went out to my car, got two bags and brought them in, she looked inside and said, “these still have tags on them”. I told her they were all new, some had been washed once to shrink but none had been worn by a “real” baby. She was confused so I showed her some photos.
I think I confused her a little more, you never know what level of weird people will assume you are. After she recovered she asked me to bring the rest in. I was glad she did, I really wanted them to go to this organization.
I was sad to let it all go but glad it might help someone else out a little.
It feels good to have more space and less stuff. I felt weighted down with almost seven years of “collecting” it is just too easy to do, and way too much fun. I don’t like shopping in general but baby clothes just bring up all the good feels.
I painted down about 90% of my stash.
I am going on a baby break to do other work for a while. I really miss painting on canvas, painting big, I miss my art friends, shows, and I think switching gears for a minute will be good for all of me. I can’t imagine never painting a baby again.
I already have an idea for some of the uglies I didn’t paint. There really are no ugly babies but there are kits that you just don’t jive with. I have an idea for a little series that has me excited. I never know if people will like them but it’s fun. Not sure when I will have the time but its something to look forward to.
I wanna know what you have planned for this year. Not everyone makes resolutions but some people like to visualize and manifest all the good things. We all deserve some good things. What is on your wish list, what kinds of experiences, things, people or places are on it? What do you want your 2025 to look like, what are you making room in your heart, your mind, your spirit, your home, your life for?
I will give you mine, I would love to read yours.
Eat healthier, lose the weight I gained this year (heart medication makes you puffy so do too many cookies). I am learning to love the way my body is shaping itself at almost 60, I am not fighting aging, just trying not to be sick or tired, I want to keep this ol’ girl moving as long as I can.
Put away some money to go on a trip with my kids. It’s a big birthday years for me and my daughter, she is turning 40 and I am turning 60 (that is so weird, totally doesn’t feel real). I would like to have an adventure, make memories.
Paint my face off, just go out in my studio and paint big for three solid months, get up early and just go until I am tired.
Nurture the friendships I value, the older I get the more I realize I need a tribe.
Let go of some anger I don’t need anymore.
Let go of “things” I am at some crazy place in my life where I need and want less “stuff” (art supplies not included, I will always crave crayons, paint, clay, and glass). Everything else… meh. I even sold my beloved vintage trawler this year to a great guy who can give her all the love she deserves. I am still not done being sad about that. I worked hard and saved a long time for that boat. My youngest just isn’t into it and its hard for me to force him to live on it weekends with me. I love him more than I love a boat so now she is out in Mavricks, riding into the sunset with her new surfer guy who is living on her full time.
Win the damn lottery. Hey someone has to, why not me or you? It’s a dollar well spent in my opinion, it keeps you dreaming and hoping.
Your turn.
I wish everyone a good year, enough to eat, a warm place to sleep, good friends, family close by, some beautiful sunsets, creative moments that fill you up, and love.