2 Customs ready for Delivery

Hope you have a really lovely time…By the sound of it with all you have been up to lately, it is well deserved… :smile:


Beautiful babies!!!


Have so much fun!!! I can’t wait to see your Presley!!! She is my FAVOTITE!

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aw so beautiful, both of them <3

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Oh, so close! You don’t have any extra time?


Are these some of the new orders you just got? You are fast if so! Wow. And they look just great.


@amy777 we get into Orlando around 4:45 then we go to some basketball game. Not sure what time we leave for the port on Sunday. I wish we had more time. I’d love to meet up with you, Mandy and Karen if possible.

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Awe man! That would be great! Your babies are gorgeous! Sunday morning we are going to cocoa to have thanksgiving with Bob’s parents at church. Then I have to be at work by 3 until closing at 6. :frowning:

Please enjoy your trip. We will all get to meet soon though… Just a few months away!

Oh @AmyR777 and @kareninflorida …while I am thinking about it… The weekend of the Brooksville Raid is January 16 and 17. We will be there sometime that Saturday morning, camp out that night and be there all day Sunday. Would be awesome if y’all could come hang out with me one day. :smile:


Here’s Presley. I got so busy last minute packing, laundry, cleaning the house, etc. I almost forgot to post pictures of her. I’m going to miss everyone! I hope you all have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING.


Awwww…Love them all…Lucky Moms!!! :smile:

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Those are beautiful. Have a wonderful trip and Happy Thanksgiving!

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I love her!!! Have so much fun! We will all miss you!!! Safe travels and talk to you soon!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:kiss:

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Beautiful babies x

Have a great trip :smiley:

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They are sooo cute, their new Mom’s are gonna be sooooo happy!! Have a safe and fun trip, travel safe, see you when you get back. Post some vacation pics for us. Happy Thanksgiving!!

They are so beautiful!!!