You know you are a reborn artist when

When your friends at school ask what you did on the weekend and you reply with “I made a baby!” Lol true story :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


OMG yes


You know you are a reborn artist when:
-the first thing you do in every store is go to the baby section.
-your mailman stops looking at you strangely when he brings you a BB box.
-a man of the family (dad, brother, husband, etc) congradulates you on how realistic your baby looks
-you receive coupons for baby items in the mail
-you look at doll kits every day to see if there’s a good deal…

LOL there are so many more


Oh, AMEN sister!!!


These are all so cute and true and it is a very slippery slope indeed!! For one who’s only been in it since going to the International doll & Teddy bear show in June I fit a lot of the above already. LOL


You know you are a reborn artist when you find yourself staring at every baby you see checking out hair patterns, skin tones and shading. And you just pray you’re sly enough that nobody notices what you are doing and no one thinks you are a pervert!!!


Done that a few weeks ago at Wal mart. In the check out line. A young woman was with her mom & holding her baby that was wearing a summer outfit,she was maybe a month or two old. I was looking at how well her mottling & some veins showed up where she was light complected & me my younger daughter were discussing it,luckily the other mom & daughter were busy talking & my cart was in between us,so they didn’t hear us. lol


You know you are a reborn artist when…
…you have glass beads stuck under the computer keys.
…you get packages every other day and make your neighbors wonder what you are up to.
…instead of dog hair you have mohair stuck to your clothes.
…you have dreams of rooting hair.
…you have more kits than you will ever finish in a lifetime and still buy more.
…you buy stuffing by the bulk.
…you smell like baby powder scent.


You know you’re a reborn artist when…
…95% of the “cooking” that goes on in your house is that of a baby.
…When you frighten some poor woman in Khol’s cause you’re staring creepily at her infant studying his skin tone and shading.
…When you hoard enough baby clothes to open your own boutique
…When the cashier in CVS asks if you attend the cosmetology school because you’re buying EVERY bag of cosmetic wedges they have in stock (then ask her to call the neighboring store to see if they have more).

AND…you know your addiction is effecting others when you come home from work and your husband is walking the dog…with a baby in his arms.


Lmao!!![quote=“DancesWithDolls, post:32, topic:45712”]
…When you hoard enough baby clothes to open your own boutique

Right there with you on this[quote=“DancesWithDolls, post:32, topic:45712”]
.When the cashier in CVS asks if you attend the cosmetology school because you’re buying EVERY bag of cosmetic wedges they have in stock (then ask her to call the neighboring store to see if they have more)

Did you really do this? Hahaha!


your kid says to you “I cant believe you didn’t find that baby’s body”.


…when you meet Steve Young, and you talk about reborns instead of football :smiley:


When you take a real baby into church and everyone is surprised (and a few disappointed) that it is not a doll. :astonished:
Yea, that’s opposite of what we are used to happening.

When you want to re-root the balding man’s hair back into those holes in his head. You can tell he once had hair there and someone must have pulled it out. :older_man:

When you’re tempted to ask a mom if her baby girl has a magnet in her head. How else would that bow stay on that bald head? :flushed: then you remember it’s not possible.


This cracked me up :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


When you keep hoarding your growing baby clothes instead of giving them away thinking about your reborn babies.


I’m so glad you re-opened this thread. We could all use the chuckles.

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This is definitely me! I have a 6 month old daughter (and an 18 month old son) and I keep looking at her clothes and thinking I should save them :laughing:

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Or your future babies!

You are a reborn artist when: All of a sudden, you put attention to a gran parent who is carring a carriage-with his gran baby son on it!, to make sure your creation at home is not at all to far from reality!

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