What do I do?

Thank you! How have you been? It’s been forever :joy:

Haha yeah and now forever again!! I’ve been good, but busy as usual :slight_smile: I’m teaching from home via live stream and other online platforms, which is suuuuper weird. My son had his 8th birthday Recently and donated it to our local animal shelter, and I thought of you!! He asked for pet donations instead of gifts, then we went and spent some time playing with the cats and visiting pups. You and him share a very kind connection with our furry friends :slight_smile:

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In the future, most deposits are nonrefundable for this very reason. We spend them on supplies and thus are unable to pay it back. It was very generous of you to offer to send it back when she sold.

@YelenaRey you are so kind hearted to step up and help out a forum member. I know not many people would or could loan out money to a complete stranger, the world needs more of you. :heart: @MilosMeadows I hope it worked out for you to quickly sell your Odessa and pay @YelenaRey back for her kind gesture.


Thank you! Things haven’t worked out exactly as I planned but Yelena is being paid back regardless, very soon!


I just read this for the first time and I have to admit that I cried. First for you @MilosMeadows because I know that anxiety. I would like to know more about your service dog. I have complex PTSD and my psychiatrist has talked to me about getting one. We’ve promised our kids that we can get a dog once I graduate in August so I may get a small service dog then. I just haven’t had time to research all of this.
Second, for the kindness and philosophies that @YelenaRey shared. We share common beliefs. I love finding out that there are others out there like me. So thankful for your beautiful soul! Kindness is the key to healing the brokenness in the world around us. Thank you for your healing. <3


Sure, I’d love to help out! Pm me and I will tell you all about him :heart:

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Thank YOU!!! :kissing_heart:


What a wonderful act of kindness!! It makes me so happy to know that there are still such kind-hearted people left in the world today. I’m sure that the Lord will bless you for it. :heart:


Yelena, It was LOVE in action and it was beautiful…The thing than can change the world. <3


@MilosMeadows I am very happy, Victoria, that you were able to pay me back! Thank you!


Happy ending :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


A kind gesture paid back. Glad it worked out for the both of you.