REPLY HERE to be ENTERED into the Bountiful Baby Realborn Give-A-Way Drawing!

First like me congratulate for such wonderful innovative idea. Your baby are really beautiful. I am so excited. I love all your kits and I would love to have a Realborn for my collection. Thank you for being so kind and sharing your success with us.

Awesome! I can’t wait for these kits, very sweet of you to do such a generous giveaway! :smile:

I would like to win one of these kits because they look amazingly real.

i would love to win one of these kits,but unfortunatly i have never been lucky,wishing everyone that enters good luck,

Hi there, I am so excited about these new Realborn kits, each one is truly unique and I cant wait for their release I have been checking the website daily for any updates so I don’t miss out when they are released. These are an absolute must have baby for my Nursery I love Reborning and I like many others I’m sure cant wait to bring these adorable babies to life too! I am entering the draw as it is an amazing opportunity to win one of these incredible babies but even if I’m not a lucky drawer I thank you for offering this opportunity to us all and i pass on my congrats when the time is right to the lucky winners! CB Australia

I don’t remember if I entered on this post or not,but, I reckon I can reenter. I thank you all for making it easy for us older people to buy your beautiful baby kits. I love them dearly.I would love to win a baby ,but we all can’t win, so good luck to everybody.Anyway, thank you for your beautiful contest.

Sou Brasileira e amo essa arte reborn, foi com vocês que comprei meu primeiro kit e me apaixonei!!! Se os tributos em meu pais não fossem tão alto eu compraria muito mais com vocês, se eu ganhasse seria a realização de todo um sonho! eu amo pintar!!!

I have been reborning for 7 years, and your kits are some of my favorites! I can’t wait to reborn your new realborn kits and would love to win one :smile:

I have been doing reborns for quite sometime but never a realborn they look so real I would love to try doing one.I have been using bountiful baby kits for a long time and never had any issues with them so I know the realborns will be just precious.thank you for the chance to win one…syble

I love bountiful babies, they’re like realistic babies that never grow up! These kits are amazing to work with and I enjoy spending my time working with them and making my own. I love going to the Bountiful Baby website and looking at all the different babies offered and seeing such affordable prices.

Thank you for the opportunity! I love work with Bountiful babies, I would love to win !!

wow beautiful new kits, looks so real!! liked and shared and commented!!!

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I would absolutely love to win one of these Realborn kits because I feel like these kits are almost “history in the making” these are going to be some of the most realistic kits in the history of reborning and I would love to be a part of that. Plus, how adorable are these babies?!

I love your kits. Although I am very new to reborning when I get the kit it takes me a couple of days to handle and get the feel of the kit. Then I can figure what I want it to be. I love the feeling of creating a baby out of a kit . Bountiful baby kits detail make that process easy for me. I love the detail and contours and creases and realistic skin fold this is what takes it from a doll kit into a reborn baby.

I would love to win your kits are priced right for a new artist trying to break into the field. The amount of kits you offer, the range of kit age and the fact that you can find all of your supplies in one place make it that much easier. I have shopped other site and yours is the best and easiest for me I love love love Bountiful Baby kit and can’t wait to reborn one of the new kits. Thank you for the giveaway.

I would love to be a winner of one of the Bountiful baby Realborn’s because It would be a dream come to true to be able to paint one of these kits, and create my own baby. They are so beautiful and the craftsmanship behind them is amazing. I have used to make all of my reborn purchases and have been nothing but completely satisfied by the company.I am a newer reborn artist and learning this process has been amazing, I would love to be able to have a dream baby for myself and to be able to show my friends what a RealBorn looks like. Winning a Realborn would be a dream come true for me. Thanks

I would love to win a free baby because I have yet to reborn one for myself, but I sell hundreds! if I won a baby I would feel less guilty of keeping one. Either way, I am reborning all of them!!!

I have never done a reborn doll, this would be a wonderful chance to start.

I would absolutely love to win one of these amazing sculpts!!! I would keep this one for my personal collection :slight_smile: Reborn dolls bring me so much joy.

Happy to enter but don’t like the set up where we have to scroll to the bottom of the thread to reply.