REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

This is a new SCAM one popped up today I think

I wonder who’s kids are in those pictures. That makes me sick to my stomach.


Stealing pictures with other people’s children in them is a whole different level of evil! This is getting ridiculously out of hand!


I’m waiting till I can be on my laptop to see if I can reverse image search and find out who is in those pictures.

Its a long shot but that just makes me sick.


Why there are not a good bunch of people complaining about the business practice ? It’s seem to me that if people buy a 110$silicone April and not receive any thing close to the picture, they should complain to paypal at least ? Or any organism who regulate online commerce.
Stealing pictures is a really bad thing, but scamming in this scale ?
How do they justify doing this ? People don’t ask for refunds ? How do they make money with that if they have to refund every order as they never send doll or they are not as described ?
China knock off I understand, but Saskia and April ?
And why only those ?
I am really perplex about all this.
It makes me want to order one just to see by myself. In the same time I don’t want to give any money to those piece of cr…
And I loose the mojo to make Saskia…

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I think because they’re in another country, it’s hard to prosecute them. It usually is with crimes committed by people in other countries.
As for what kits they picked, I think they just picked popular ones that buyers will be drawn to.

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Not sure about that. I know little about this, but I know that if you want to sell in some country, you have to follow the regulations, like for toys or baby stuff. As an online commercant, I have to apply UE rules for exemple about their return policies or information disclosure.
Hard for me in english to explain my thoughts.

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Looks like they are now stealing collectors photos as well!

Even if people did complain. They just shut down one website and make another. That’s why there are so many. One gets shut down for scamming and they move on to the next.


so sorry. Just make sure you fill out the abuse form Shopify for each photo.

This may be true, but really it is up to us as artist and collectors to share and warn and of Course report each site we come across. It only works if there really is people complaining to the right places to get them shut down. I can’t image all the people that were scammed, so far. One voice can help, but may not stop it, but a collective set of voices, every time this happens will get them shut down, or at the very least help alert the unsuspecting public. WE shouldn’t let them get away with it, we ALL have to help in anyway we can to protect the art. :heart:



But they are like roaches. Stomp on one and 2 more come out of the wall. Lol


Excellent comparison! :persevere:

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This is what I just put on my FB nursery page. I am sure it won’t stop anything but maybe slow it down a bit. Hopefully it will make some people think before they buy at least.

BEWARE - Scammers site stealing photos, new sites are opening and using different artist photos!!!

Please be very careful when buying Reborn babies! There are a lot of scammers putting up fake sites, With other Artist pictures. Please protect yourself and your investment. Ask for additional photos, in different outfits or picture of baby including a safety picture with their nursery name and date along side of baby. If it is truly that artist baby, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. Also it takes time to make a reborn. Anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks. A lot of time, love and materials go into making these babies. A lot of sculpts [unpainted baby] cost what they are trying to sell these babies for. Also the lowest price for a full silicone baby Starts at $1000.00, [not $130.00] and that’s cheap.
Please be wise, and research wisely. As an Artist, I love my work and I am very disappointed that there are scammers who take pride in other peoples work and even more disappointed that unsuspecting customers trust and believe that what they will be getting is what they see on those pictures, which in fact probably not even close, esp at those prices!


Someone sent me this link.


they keep opening up new pages and sites, and one by one, stealing all our pics :frowning:

look at this page, I have seen the legit of some of these on FB

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I’m about to take my dogs out and then I’m getting online so I can track down the real artists of these. I’ve had enough.

If we all gather together we have a bigger impact.

I’m assuming that’s how they avoid getting in trouble. Just keep opening more and more websites so no one can keep up.

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How can we report these sites?