Realborn® Drawing - Clyde Asleep Winners!

Congrats Everyone! I thought that there was a winner chosen from all three ways to enter…I don’t do facebook or twitter…

Congrats!! We have a winner from the forum too!! Laurie Gaines, Congrats, Please post your Doll when you get him!

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Hmm…Laurie hasn’t been on since June 12…and it says that you only had until 4pm June 17 to reply via the forum.

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Well - that is interesting. She could have replied through FB too and I bet that would be okay. She just needed to acknowledge the win! I was a second chance winner when Asher Asleep was drawn and the winner didn’t respond, so I guess it happens? In her FB Message to me on Wednesday, she said she was out of town so maybe she is missing out? How long has the “messenger” not been working?

Maybe. :slight_smile: But she still hasn’t PM’d me back either and Lara even gave me her email addy. She had a kit that I wanted to get for a great price, but guess it won’t happen. Ah well.

Hi Everyone!

We gave the winners of our Realborn Clyde Asleep kit a little over two extra days to respond and confirm their prize kit. However, as promised, two new winners have been drawn due to not receiving a response from two of the three winners.

The new 2nd winner is: @Marydi - Via BB Forum
The new 3rd winner is: Vickie Porter - Via Facebook

Thank you!
Emily, Bountiful Baby


Congrats! And by the way @EmilyBB, have you looked into fixing the notifications yet?

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Yay!!! @Marydi

well! Vicki Porter is the lady that I painted Aubrey and Avery for, so it looks like I will be reborning Clyde for her too!


That’s so awesome!!! She is so lucky- twice! Free baby AND a baby reborned by PIA!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️


She will get a reduction in cost by the price of the kit! Glad I held off ordering Clyde for her!

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Wow, I totally missed this thread? Not sure why but am just seeing it for the first time. :confused: .CONGRAT! to the winners though… :smile: :smiley:

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Thank you for the link! I am now a follower of her store, and through eBay it translates the adapted prices! Double win!:heart:

I am so excited about winning. I responded to the message on here. I hope my message gets through to them on time.


I claimed my prize! I love this kit and look forward to reborning him.


I look forward to seeing your pics of this one, Mary!

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Congratulations Mary!!! Enjoy.

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I haven’t won anything in years. Thank you BB.