Instagram usernames

Can’t find you ?

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Maybe it’s just zeldaripley? I followed you so you should get a notification.

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That was it ! :blush:

Mine is Jewely_Holt

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Mine is littleswansrebornnursery. I also have a Facebook under the same name. I haven’t posted in a while because I ran out of hair and needles and I don’t want to start another one until this one is finished.

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Thank you!! Love yours too!:heart_eyes::blush:

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send me a comment, let me know you are a forum member and I will follow back

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atticflowersdollart nothing there though. :blush:

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Dum question from non-Instagram user (or Instagram non-user, whichever is correct):
How people who’s not following you know that you have a reborn for sale?

Humbleheartsrebornbabies :full_moon_with_face:

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I don’t have a reborn account, but I do have a personal and a dog training account (my business)

Personal: sydster8924
Business: training2love

I post my dolls on eBay and Facebook too because I never sell anything on Instagram. But people can also see your posts if you have a “public” account.


Helenabeereborns here!


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Just by using various tags #rebornforsale or something like that.

Shangrilaranchalpacas is mine it’s more for our Alpaca doll hair but we share the other side of what our alpacas do beside just produce lovely doll hair!

Mine is mer_cu