I thought about pricing correctly

He’s probably right! I was super diligent keeping track of my hours on 4 dolls, then I gave up. When selling for about $500 each, (which is exactly what I felt like my skill level was worth at the time) After supplies, my hourly rate was $0.65 - $1.25 an hour! I wanted to report myself for labor violations!!!


So, if I were to double supply costs this 6 inch silicone blob would sell for $360. It has to go for at least $180 just to break even. I don’t think that $360 is gonna happen for a a 6 inch doll. He is weird and blobby. Plus only a partial kit. I’ll be lucky to make back his kit price of $110.

Looking towards a more normal size partial silicone, I’m hoping to price a bit more accurate. I’m really starting to better understand the price of these, the complaints of low sales prices trashing the business, and consumers complaining about the high cost. Big oof!!!

Uou have no obligation to double the cost. Look at the market. If in average they sold for 200$(exemple), that gives you an idea. You can go everywhere between 150$ to 360$, even more if you wish.
Don’t lower yourself because some people complain prices are too high, they obviously are not the customer you want.

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Well, he is spoken for. She paid $280 for him. She really likes him. I’m not fond of him but whatever floats her boat. I’m not complaining. He is the first decent looking one I’ve done.

I’m hoping she sends me pictures or maybe even an unboxing. I’m not asking her to though.

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If you have already sold him for this price, that means that he is worth more. You can raise the price if you decide to do another one !
Congratulations !


Thank you! I think I’ll skip him. I don’t like the way he looks on his body. I have considered getting a 6 inch full body. I’ve considered other tiny ones ranging between 6 inches and 12 inches. I had a LOT of fun painting him!


That surely was a interesting experience !