Genesis or airdry paints. Which one should I choose

I paint with acrylics, it isn’t super easy, acrylic doesn’t blend well. I love the vibrant colors and opacity. When I wanted to paint reborns it didn’t feel like it would translate well, I thought translucent paint would be easier and more realistic.

I was worried about the health issues with GHSP. I try to wear gloves (took a break when they were in short supply so they could go where they needed to). I only bake babies outdoors under an awning in my back yard. I try not to have food and drinks in my studio (I fail at that often).

I am use to GHSP and I can’t see switching over to air dry.

I did make an avatar with acrylic and it was different but the end result was pretty awesome.

I have a friend I was mentoring with GHSP and she struggled, switched over to air dry and nailed it.

Air dry can be a super cheap investment, I would try using less expensive paint on a cheap sculpt and see how it feels, if it feels good go for it, if you are not satisfied invest in a basic palette of GHSP and give it a go.

I didn’t think they discontinued them, I thought they just came out with a new model?

Yeah, you are right @quiltsabunch! It’s the Nuwave Primo I think…I recently found their website when I was trying to find a replacement dome for mine. Now I don’t have to worry about cracking (the old model had a known issue with that).


Did you buy one of these? I ended up buying a totally different kind of oven when mine quit. Someone on Facebook said that the double heating elements made the heat source too close to the kit. If it works well then this looks like an improvement.

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I can can’t speak on the whole Nuwave, because I only purchased the dome…it works perfectly on my old Nuwave. The only downside is the new dome is about 3 to 4 inches shorter…i was worried that could affect my kit, so I just added an additional ring extender to the one I was already using. Haven’t had any issues.


Thank you! That looks like a good solution for cracked domes. I wonder if you can turn off the bottom heating element. The person on Facebook did not seem to think that was possible, but if I get time I will write and and ask the company.

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The bottom element is removable


Did you have the amber dome before or the clear one? I have an older model but it’s the Amber dome so I’m wondering if maybe just the amber domes are the same size?

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I’ve been using this same amber dome for four years, and it is a little shorter than the clear dome that the regular NuWave used, but I find that the one metal extender that my ProPlus came with is enough to keep the element in a safe place away from the kit. But if your two plastic extenders allow you to get enough heat in the chamber, then that sounds like it works too.

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Oh, cool! So great to know. Thank you! Do you think this would work for our dolls like the older models?

Yes I think it will. I didn’t think it would at first until I realized that the bottom element was removable. I think if you take that out it will be pretty much the same thing

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That’s what I wondered about the amber dome and the clear dome. I had never had a clear dome before so I wouldn’t know that my amber one was shorter. Mine is probably about five years old

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I previously had the clear dome. I haven’t even thought to see if the different colored domes were different sizes. I was just glad I didn’t have to buy a whole new nuwave just for the dome. I only paid $30 for the one I use for reborning. I found it barely used on Facebook Marketplace.

That’s good, because I was really worried about what to use once my NuWave ProPlus bites the dust. It’s been great for four years, and not sure how much longer it will last. Great to know they have a replacement.

My amber dome is 4 years old, and it does chip around the edge a little with use, but it has held up great for the four years. I went through two or three of the clear dome on my previous NuWave. I hope they can make the amber dome even stronger. Yes, the clear dome was longer by at least a few inches. Not sure why they shorted the amber one.

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Hey I just realized that I bought a secondhand new wave and it has a clear dome. I haven’t set it up or even check to see if it worked yet, but I will have to compare the domes.


The amber dome is thicker and shorter. It chips a little bit around the bottom edge, but holds up way better than the clear dome.

I just put the amber and clear domes side by side for comparison. They are exactly the same size.