Editing a Tori sculpt - She's finished and has new pictures!

I got this girl through Ebay, and I decided she is a Down Syndrome baby. I’m a member of a theater company whose actors all have disabilities. I was so drawn to her face, and fell in love, immediately.

After a while, though, I realized I don’t like her dark eyes, and also felt she needed more color and lashes. I’ve added the lashes, put more color in her face,put a birthmark on her right cheek, put more color on her lips and mouth, redid the eyebrows (my first time Not perfect, but okay with me.), and also did a couple of red washes on her limbs. I still need to get the glue cleaned up, then will put on a couple of layers of COAT, spaced at least 48 hours apart. I’ll also put a ring at her neck, since it does need support. Here is a picture I took, today. The lighting is a mixture of soft LED and brighter fluorescent from lamps.

I’m SO in LOVE with this girl and will be so happy when I’m finished with her! I do have an Ivy in waiting for creation, so I’ll be busy. :slight_smile:


She looks a million times better! She’s a cutie pie!

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Thanks so much!! Her hair was really dry, too, so I washed it, then used a spray conditioner that is left in the hair. I then blow dried the hair and gave her a working hairstyle. I started collecting last November, then got into refurbishing reborns that others had done. I have a container full of blank kits, so I’m good for a few years. I’m LOVING this hobby and am learning a lot from others and from my own happy accidents.


The lighter eyes really make a difference. She’s really cute!

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She’s adorable now. You did a great job on her. :heart_eyes:

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Oh wow she looks so much HAPPIER

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Much better!

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She’s adorable! What an improvement.

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A nice improvement. I love the way she looks.

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Love the lighter eyes…she is really sweet!!

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So much more real!

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Thanks, everyone! The first layer of COAT is going on, tonight!

She now has two layers of COAT and I’ve glossed inside her nose, mouth, lips, eyes. I also have two layers of COAT on her limbs. I now just have to let everything settle for a few days, then I can put her together, again. I changed out her earrings because one of the sparkly stones came out. I think these little “pearl” earrings are better for her. I’m SO excited!!


She is so cute!

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Amazing transformation. I have to ask…what is COAT?

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It’s a type of matte sealer that has been recommended by many top artists. Great stuff, although it is more expensive than other sealers. I diluted it, a bit, and I’m so pleased with my results.

Is that the actual name or is that an acronym? Where do you get it?

It’s the actual name. Here’s the US web site for the product:

She is finally finished with her makeover, and I’m glad to have the experience. She’s not perfect, but I know I will improve with this craft. I took her outside for a photo session and here are the pics. LOL, she was so silly and so proud when she managed to take off one of her socks!! I ADORE this girl and am so glad she’s mine!!


I use a piece of narrow foam pipe insulation to support the heads on my toddlers. It holds the head up while allowing it to turn easily.