Wondering if anyone else does this

I’m a bonehead I was thinking faster then my hands where typing but I think she opened a mouth on another kit I believe an posted it a few months ago. Or I could be wrong an these meds are messing with my head lol


I do it, but I use a deep mauve.

I have opened the mouth on several babies and it has worked well most of the time, but I pretty much hold my breath every time I do it because I did slip one time with the knife and split the cheek of a Victoria Michael. That was a very expensive mistake. The thing with opening a mouth is what to do with the hole that it leaves. I have designed a little “pouch” that I fit behind the mouth but it is a complete pain to get it in the mouth. Here are pics of some of my open mouth babies. I do not recommend it and charge extra to do it. If I ever do it again I will pour silicone behind the mouth and sculpt it open from there. The last baby is one of the silicone filled babies.


yeah i opened the mouth on Pat Moulton’s Amber sculpt


i put the paci in the mouth first and then add a big enough piece of black felt behind the paci and mouth so that the paci could be taken out and put back in.