I have to do hair and eyelashes’ and I’m done. I had to strip and re-do mine so I got a little behind.
Nope. Not yet. Still have to root the lashes, do the hair, tip the nails. Also waiting for some special clothes that I ordered to arrive. I am super excited about this baby and sure hope the new mommy loves him/her as much as I do. I’ve been having a ball shopping for Easter stuff for the box.
I am done with the kit, just need to get a few more items to put in the box.
I have to do another layer of nail tipping, then sealing, eyelashes, and weighing. Going shopping for box stuff today. So excited!!
I’m so glad I joined the swap because I have been super burnt out on school so it has given me something to look forward to after this term.
I’m excited to see everyone’s baby!
I’ve been done for weeks but that was only because I got really bad sick and had to stay in for two weeks. I could not lay down so sitting was perfect for reborning. I was so bored and was very happy to have that to keep my mind from how bad I was feeling. It was a let down to be finished really.
I am done with mine - can’t wait to send it! I love mine, too~~:heart_eyes:
I can’t say why but this is my husband favorite.
I just need to write the birth certificate, the letter and tape. We are getting so close guys!! I’m so excited!!