Who's doing Little Hearts Of Hope Contest?

Oh my should I do another contest?!?! How can I pass it up lol


What contest is this??? You deserve a stress free one this time Lisa!

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In the description on MacPhersons it says they needed pictures for their kits. I think @DancesWithDolls was the one with most the info I have seen…



Where do you all find contests? Are you part of other forums too?


Just Google reborn contests or reboirn prototype contests and you’ll find them.


Anybody know what the deadline is for Little Hearts of Hope? I want to do one but have no dolly dollars right now.


I am not sure their Dates dont seem to be current. Maybe @MacPhersonCrafts can help us out?


Yes. I was wondering that too. I also wondered what percentage of the sales of these kits are used for the children.
Seems like a really awesome program and the kit prices are certainly reasonable. I’m looking forward to hearing back from MacPhersons.

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I know I do huh :grin: I’m such a sucker for contests lol

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I found them all so far on macPhersons website looking at kits lol

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I emailed them and she said the website says September but they are going to extend that date an change website

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Ok I just looked at website and deadline is changed to July 1st 2016


This is from there site right now

“We will run the contest over the next 6 months until July 1st 2016 based on number of submissions. If we do not receved enough submissions, we will extend the deadline for a futher 6 month period.”

Last time I checked a couple of weeks ago a few of the kits did have completed photos, but others did not. @lynn had a couple of the kits she was working on, but not sure if she submitted any photos? I’m glad they extended the date, but now I’m wondering if it’s only for the kits they don’t have any photos up for or if they’re still accepting submissions on the others too. @lisalampe Did they say anything about that in the email?

Contest is for kits that don’t have pictures yet

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I just don’t know which one to choose :flushed:

Ok Thank you :smile:
I’ll have to go back and check which ones are still open

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Hi guys, I did not enter the contest and never had any intention too, but I did finish my little guy just haven’t taken any pictures yet. I believe the contest is ONLY for the kits that DON’T have any pictures up yet. Don’t quote me on that though. I have several babies that I have finished just haven’t posted any pictures, I’m not good at that!!


I realize this is a little old however just curious about the DKI following some of the kits at MacPhersons , is that what they call an in house mold they have for the Little Hearts Of Hope kits ?

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each Little Hearts of Hope kit is donated to Hope for the Nations, a children’s rescue organization. They provide food, shelter, education and medical services to children in need. I don’t believe they’re in house molds but I don’t really know.

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