I think my current favorite sculptor is Sandy Faber, such cute happy babies!!
I love Faber babies too! So fun.
I love Marx babies, usually Brace babies, Pricilla Lopez babies. LLE paint easily for me which makes me like them. Bonnie Brown of course.
Melanie Ingold is one I really love for silicone but she isn’t sculpting anymore I don’t think.
Overall this year I’ve really been enjoying Cassie (Brace) Love’s kits. She has so many sweet ones and is making lots of new ones all the time, it’s really fun to be a fan of her!
I also love these sculptors for different reasons
Faces: Sandy Faber, Joanna Kazmierczak-Pietka, Ping Lau
Limbs: Elisa Marx, Bonnie Brown
Good vibes: Marita Winters is gem I love her so much! Joylynn Wong, I’m excited for her first kit and she seems so nice. Also shout out to Bobbi B for making kits with new sculptors, The Pratts and Bountiful Baby, Vincenzina Care
I really like Doris Moyer Hornbogen sculpts. I painted 2 of them for KDS and neither sold… still love the sculpts.
I don’t even know how to begin choosing If I had to pick a few I would say Bonnie Brown, Adrie Stoete, Sabine Altenkirch, Marita Winters, Joanna K, and DMH.
Funnily enough I haven’t painted any of their babies yet except Pascale K
@jeanhai and @MichellesReborns you two made my night
I think Melanie has some vinyl kits coming out soon through Tru Born! Maybe they will be silicone, too?
Gotta go with Bonnie Brown. She does beautiful work. Love all of her work that I’ve seen so far.
Gudrun Legler, I like her details.
Yes she will! That part is wonderful.
…and Romie Strydom, Izzy Zhao, etc. There’s just too many really good sculptors to pick just one.
Oooh yes, I wish she would come out with more.
Some of my favorites are Priscilla Lopez, Sabine Altenkirch and Laura Lee Eagles. Lately the Priscilla kits have been my favorite to paint
Laura Tuzio Ross
Mine will probably always be Bonnie Brown, I love all her sculpts though they are all so popular. Yet they are all very versatile if you do the shading right. The limbs are so realistic and the expressions are so clear.
I’ll never tire of Saskias , especially when done right. She’s the first sculpt I fell in love with. Goofy little thing.
Natali Blick makes some cuties too, especially her older sculpts. I’d love a Betty.
Oh, I still need a Saskia in my life! I agree, she’s just so sweet and versatile! Don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing her.
I like so many sculptors its hard to pick a favorite but lately Ive been in love with Severine Piret babies. She’s new to me and now I want all her kits.